
About Us

Weller & Associates, Inc. (Weller) has conducted over 2,000 cultural resource surveys in Ohio and the surrounding region over the last two decades. Since its inception in Columbus in 1993, Weller has offered archaeological services for multiple project types; however, with recent staff additions, the firm now offers architectural history and geophysical services, as well, for those projects that require these services.

Weller specializes in energy projects (electric and gas transmission), however, we conduct all types of cultural resource surveys. We have significant experience in both linear and area projects. As a smaller company, Weller can offer large company results at a small company price. Weller recognizes that an expedient turnaround for projects is of utmost importance to keep your projects and permitting moving forward. Many of our existing clients have indicated that the fast turnaround on cultural resource project completion and the significantly lower costs is a key factor in why they exclusively utilize Weller’s services. Besides the occasional complex cultural resources issues that sometimes arise that require follow-up fieldwork or documentation, Weller has nearly a 100% agency compliance review success rate following the initial submission.

Ohio’s Hidden Mine Documentary Video

Ohio's Hidden Mine

With the recent increased development in the Midwest, many types of projects are being increasingly scrutinized by SHPO offices in the region. Utilizing a cultural resources consultant that knows and understands how to deal with these project types, and can generally predict what level of effort the SHPO offices will likely expect, greatly increases the chances for successful and timely reviews through SHPO. At the same time, this decreases the overall time for compliance, as well as decreasing overall project cost by getting the full project completed during one mobilization. In addition to lower costs and fast turnarounds on survey results, over the years working on projects Weller has developed a positive relationship with the staff at the regional SHPO offices. Weller, as a collective group, has developed an understanding of exactly what is needed to ensure successful compliance clearance through regional SHPO offices.

Weller personnel have significant experience in the region with energy and other project types. Consistently accurate results, which are necessary for successful clearance through SHPO on the first submission, yet providing a quick turnaround for projects is why Weller is becoming the go-to firm in the region for many types of projects.

Weller has a staff experienced in projects of all types and sizes. Weller key personnel consists of three Principal Investigators that have extensive experience in area and linear projects. Weller also boasts a permanent field and laboratory support staff well-versed in the archaeological field and laboratory methods necessary to provide efficient field and laboratory data analysis results. Staff members include academically qualified individuals that are capable of performing the field investigations as well as editing, curation, and office management. The findings are then compiled into a clean, concise report of survey findings and recommendations. Weller utilizes modern technology in their efforts including sub-meter GPS tracking in the field, GIS/CAD mapping, several computer databases to track information, as well as geophysical survey equipment, when necessary.

In consultation with regional SHPO offices, Weller has experience in negotiating the level of effort necessary for field survey for large projects. For these large projects, a full field survey is not always necessary based on various factors such as terrain and previously known disturbance, among others. Methods such as predictive modeling can sometimes be used to eliminate certain areas of the survey corridor while bringing a strong focus on those areas of high probability. Weller personnel have experience in developing predictive modeling based on results of the literature review, landform analysis, knowledge of the region, and other factors that aid in determining areas of high, medium, and low probability for archaeological sites. Certain areas may be suitable for a reduced survey effort, while other areas may require a full intensive survey. By utilizing these methods, the amount of time and cost to conduct the survey can be greatly reduced, while still meeting full compliance requirements for cultural resources.

Weller is available to guide our clients through the process, which can easily become complicated on both large and small-scale projects. We would be happy to discuss various options related to surveys for projects and aid in formulating a guided approach to consultation. Call us at 614-485-9435 if you have any questions or require additional information.

-Weller & Associates, Inc

West Virginia Branch

Weller & Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce the opening of a West Virginia branch office under the supervision of James Vosvick.

Weller specializes in energy projects (electric and gas transmission), however, we conduct all types of cultural resource surveys.