Weller & Associates provides a comprehensive range of Cultural Resource Management services
We provide good value and ensure the work is completed within the given timeframe and to the highest level of Cultural Resource Management standards.
Archaeological Services
Architectural Services
Section 106 and NEPA compliance
Literature review and cultural context documentation
Phase I identification surveys
Phase II National Register evaluation
Phase III mitigation of adverse effects
Geophysical/remote sensing
Prehistoric and historic burial/cemetery identification, excavation, relocation.
Laboratory analysis of prehistoric and historic materials
Curatorial preparation
Geospatial Technology Services
Sub-meter GPS field tracking
GIS/CAD mapping services
Permanent staff specialized in Prehistoric, Historic, and Industrial Archaeology
FAA Licensed Drone Surveys and Applications
Section 106 compliance
Literature review and cultural context documentation
Building and structure documentation and recordation
National Register evaluations
Historical and archival research
Production of historical narratives
HABS/HAER documentation
High-resolution digital photography
GIS/CAD mapping services
Permanent staff specialized in Architectural History and History